Hi Rob,
Lets start with the easy things!
1 thanks for my blank panel story, it is a usefull info for something completely different I'm working on. Surprise coming..be patient
2 Understood your explanation about the attribute database beeing updated. I still wonder what is going to happen when over the life of SD7 you opened more than 255 tabs in Excell, but it is surely not an emergency
3 Well, this is more complicated, cost attributes!
I send you the file by email.
First of all, you are right, saving my project did updated the product tab in the dashboard but now, I got 2 sales colum and 2 cost column !!!
So let me recap what I did:
As I checked the attribute feature of my freshly downloaded software I noticed that in the properties of a product in the right hand frame there was no attributes for the cost and sales price.
I create these attributes in tool/personalisation/setting using small letters: sale price, cost price.
I entered a value in that same right hand frame (drawing speaker block schematic LA4 amplifier, second from the top) and this value did appear in the cost reports. How the link between those newly created attributes and the information in the cost report was created, I have no idea.
Then I tried to introduce price permanently from tools/personalisation/product attributes. There I was surprised to discover that
Price and
Price where available but they had a capital letter. I introduced a value for one of the product (drawing capture son block shematic true systems P2 analog)
This is where I noticed that there was no column for cost and sales price in the dashboard products and made my first post.
As mentionned in the biginning of this reply, saving, closing and reopening sort that issue, but now I do have 2 cost price columns and 2 sale price columns.
Going back to the drawings now, the LA4 has only one sets of price attributes, but the true systems has 2.
In the dashboard product tab, you will notice that one price input is included into the the first set while the other is included in the second.
In reality it appears that the price attribute only appears in the property of a part when a value has been entered in the database. I understand now that the video missguided me as you introduce the addition of an attribute at the biginning of the video and since it didn't appeard in the list of available attributes (because I didn't entered a value yet) I created a redundant set.
Now the problem I have is that the report on costing has create a relationship with the attributes that I created and not with the ones that would pop up once a value has been entered in the database. As a result, the price of the true system equipment is not reflected in the report.
Hopefully I'm clear.
I will play around the file to come back to the default value. I hope I am not going to damage anything further.
I'll keep you informed of the results.
Christian Delvaux
Back in Belgium !