Group: Forum Members
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Hi Rob,
We have designed a large project involving approx. 120 links between rooms, hence 120 to and from feathers. With this many feathers it becomes very time consuming and frustrating managing almost all aspects of feathers, from creation, to resolving duplicate ID's. Can I therefore put some suggestions forward;
- Auto pair of feathers, i.e. if a 'to' or 'from' feather is created, it immediately creates its opposite partner somewhere else on the page (or with the option to place on a different page) and that automatically has the same ID, with the ability to lock this so that no duplicate ID's can be accidentally created.
- Any change that is then made to either the 'to' or 'from' feather will automatically change its partner. For instance, if I change the Label on the 'to' feather it automatically changes the label on the 'from' feather. This may sound strange but we label both feathers with the same ID number and it doubles the time to make the necessary changes.
- A way of easily finding the other end of a feather as Ray suggested, e.g. by using a 'show me' button which takes you directly to its partner or by clearly highlighting the other end
- Some way of showing where duplicate ID's are located. Again with this many feathers it's time consuming to find where the duplicates are. Maybe with the above suggestions, having a way of locking feathers to one another will prevent the need for this anyway.