Hi Michael,
Thanks for your post.
The technique you may be missing is that if you have a drawing and you have already added a Title Block to it, you can change the Title Block by using
Drawing | Title Block or (Ctrl+T). This will remove the old Title Block and insert the new one, using the correct scaling and respecting current document settings (Drawing Name, Number etc).
I recommend watching the movie "Using Title Blocks" and "Customizing Title Blocks", #06 and #07 at
https://www.stardraw.com/sd7/moviesTo answer some of the issues you mention:
1) You say you have made a copy of the template, then "deleted the current layout, replacing it with a copied Title Block from a drawing that has the layout and logo I need". This will not work because the title block you've copied from the drawing has already replaced the Text Attribute fields from the original template e.g. "[Project\Client Name]" with the
values for those attributes. Therefore the substitutable Text Attribute is lost and this is why you don't see the drawing details when you insert from the modified template.
2) The logo in a title block template is only replaced by the logo image from
Tools | Personalization | Personal Details if the title block template you select is in the installation folder, usually "C:\Program Files\Stardraw.com Ltd\Stardraw Design 7.3". Custom templates saved in other locations
do not substitute the logo image.
3) To update the Issue Date, Revision Number etc, select the title block and, in the Properties Grid on the right of your screen, you will see all the Attributes used in that title block e.g. "Document\ Date", "Document\Revision". Click in the value field and type in the new value you want - this will update the title block shown in the drawing window.
I hope this is helpful and, if you follow the steps in the movie "Customizing Title Blocks" you should have no problem changing the logo and anything else you want in your custom Title Block Template.
Kind regards,
Rob Robinson