Online library & Search tool no longer work

Luke Smith
Luke Smith
Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 473
Hi guys,
Turned on Stardraw AV 2007 today to find the online library gone from the side bar and the search tool not opening items searched for.
e.g. I can select an item in the search box but when I double click on it, it does not update the sidebar list.

Can you help explain why this might be?
Without these tools my job will take alot longer to do.




Luke Smith: Junior Project Designer
Rob Robinson
Rob Robinson
Forum Administrator (386K reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 2.3K, Visits: 8.9K
Hi Luke,

This is because your subscription to Stardraw AV 2007 expired last month. The subscription entitles you to unlimited free technical support, data updates and access to the Online Libraries, but without a subscription these valuable services are unavailable.

Stardraw AV 2007 shows a message on startup as you near the end of your subscription period, and you'll now see a startup message saying that the subscription has expired. The message includes a link to renew online.

Since Stardraw AV 2007 has just been superceded by Stardraw Design 7 I would recommend considering an upgrade, rather than the renewal, but the choice is yours.

Kind regards,
Rob Robinson

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