Impliment these please!

David Snipp
David Snipp
Architect (433K reputation)
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If you try changing your precision to mm you will see that all the symbols are drawn accurately and correctly. Also, even if over great distances, you see some rounding errors, then this is overcome by using the snap to connector modifier which will snap to where the connection actually is. Therefore, you won't need to modify any symbols at all.

As for using AutoCAD, if you are proficient in using it and you don't need the features that Stardraw A/V adds to save you time and money and you are happy to draw all your own symbols as well as do the additional programming required in AutoCAD, then yes, you are right, you should stick with AutoCAD.

David Snipp Ltd
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I'm using the Block symbols in the Block Schematic template.  I've tried to use and "not" use all of the different snaps.  I've found that by increasing the precision to 5 decimal places, I can see where the problem comes in.

If the grid is set to 0.098" then symbols should be drawn to that exactly.  Over a distance, you can see how the connectors start to get further away from the grid points.  You can use the Dimension tool to see that the connectors are slightly less than 0.098".  I was unable to get the grid to stay exactly at that dimension, and I don't know that all symbols will exibit the same behavior.

At this point, since I will need to check and possibly modify all the symbols I use, I am going to use AutoCAD.  I've been using it for years and can really fly with it, even if I need to recreate all my own symbols.  I don't really need all the reporting features of Stardraw AV, so thats really not a loss for me.  And, if I remember correcly, AutoCAD can do most of those features with additional programming.

Rob Robinson
Rob Robinson
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Hi Eric,

It sounds like you're using symbols in the wrong environment.  If you're creating a Block Schematic document, use symbols from the Blocks root in the Library List (and if you're using symbols from the Blocks root, make sure it's a document based on the Block Schematic template).  Also ensure that you have not turned off the Snap to Grid modifier.  If you are using Stardraw A/V correctly then every I/O stub on every symbol in every Block Schematic drawing should align to the grid.

If you are having problems please feel free to email one of your drawings to techsupport @ and we will be happy to tell you where you're going wrong. 

As a new user you may find it helpful to work through the tutorials in the Help system.  With questions on general usage, please feel free to continue to post to the forums or email techsupport @ directly.

Kind regards



Kind regards,
Rob Robinson
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Another issue with regards to snaps. 

Why don't the "terminals" on the symbols ever line up to the grid?  I end up with angled lines all over the place.  I have found that none of the snap options or orthagonal lock solve this.

I would like to see the terminals on the symbols lock to the grid.  Who cares what the rest of the symbol does.  Aren't we here to draw wires anyway!


Rob Robinson
Rob Robinson
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Posts: 2.3K, Visits: 8.9K

Hi Carl,

You will probably find that increasing the Snap Attach distance solves the problem you're facing with snapping.  Select Options | Snap | Snap Defaults... and increase the value in the Attach Distance editbox.  I find values of 30 to 50 work best, but the optimal value will depend ultimately on your screen size, screen resolution and personal preferences.

I am a little confused by your comments regarding the Print Area function.  Can you give me some more information, i.e. what specifically is the problem you are trying solve?  Thanks.

Kind regards


Kind regards,
Rob Robinson
Carl Tims (a t...
Carl Tims (a t communications)
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Here are the two aspects of Stardraw that make it a real pain to use- can these changes be implemented?

A snap marker (like AutoCads) which shows where along the line we are snapping to, and whilst when skewing a ready- drawn line snaps ok (but it is iffy),a new lines origin still does not snap to another reign under the mouse- and 'I' get very odd results.  Can we have end points and midpoints etc flagging up as the mouse moves over them?  And can lines snap to these points properly?

The next grumble is printing.  When clicking 'Set Print Area' can we have a sub menu offering paper sizes (& a custom) so when we click and drag the papers aspect ratio is locked?  As it is its a real time waster with lots of messing about

If anyone has any work-arounds or tips I'd appreciate it, or maybe lend some support to get the changes done?




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