I think the general audio category should include a general "audio snake" in the following configurations 16x4, 24x4, 24x8, 32x8. Thanks for taking this into consideration.
Jerry Nuckolls
Acoustics Engineer
Hi Jerry,
Do you have a particular manufacturer's products in mind or do you know of any products similar to the audio snakes you require? This will help us better understand your requirements for the generic symbols.
Can I also ask you to request these symbols via the website so that we can ensure that your requirements are prioritized?
You can request symbols for Stardraw Audio using the following link:
http://www.stardraw.com/symbolsrequest/default.asp?applicationguid={84ded54e-32e4-4b3f-8be2-8a385535e7ed} (you should copy and paste the entire link to your browsers address bar).
Kind regards
Kevin Harrison
Symbols Manager
Stardraw.com Ltd
For a general snake, you might reference this product from pro-co sound.
Of course since there are many manufacturers, it would be easier to create a general snake in a couple of common configurations. This would definately make the cable report much more accurate for staging companies.
Thanks for your help.