SDC Server as Windows Service

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Say I've licensed my host and successfully created an SDC server and client application. I want to then add the server application to the list of Windows Services so that the executable can be run during system startup. This would be useful in case the server host reboots or shuts down because of an electrical failure or Windows updates. At startup the SDC server application could then restart without any user interaction. The same could be done for the panels app, but for now I'd like to concentrate on getting one of them working.

I know how to create a service in Windows using the 'sc' command in DOS. Refer to Microsoft KB251192. The 'sc' command will create the service and then you can add a description and set the startup type to 'Automatic.'

The problem I have is that when I try to start the service I get this error message:

Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

I did some web searches and the common search result was something to do with the .NET framework. It's not an issue of privileges since I'm trying to start the service as a user with admin rights. I tried hacking the registry to extend the timeout period based on one Google search result, but that had no effect. Is there some chunk of code I have to add to each driver for each device in my form in order for the SDC server to communicate with Windows to tell Windows the service was started? Maybe this is an enhancement request for SDC 2007 to have an option to create a Windows service when compiling and creating the executables.



Software Engineer :: Control Arts, LLC ::

Software Engineer :: Control Arts, LLC
David Snipp
David Snipp
Architect (433K reputation)
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Posts: 2.9K, Visits: 6.5K
The Stardraw Server generated executable is a regular Windows .net 1.1 executable and not a Windows Service and so you can't add it as a service to your system.

However, you can start the executable through many other means at system startup. One way is to add it to your Start->Programs->Startup list or you can add it to the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

We will add the ability to generate a windows service in a future version of Stardraw Control.

David Snipp Ltd

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Thank you, David, for your prompt response. I should have thought of adding a shortcut to the Startup menu.


Software Engineer :: Control Arts, LLC

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