Lighting 2D Symbols

Supreme Being (382 reputation)Supreme Being (382 reputation)Supreme Being (382 reputation)Supreme Being (382 reputation)Supreme Being (382 reputation)Supreme Being (382 reputation)Supreme Being (382 reputation)Supreme Being (382 reputation)Supreme Being (382 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 1

This is kind of to Rob Robinson although applies to pretty much anyone else at Stardraw.

We spoke some time ago regarding a future update to Lighting 2D symbols which would remove the "generic" symbols (which were the reason for the Stardraw 2d v3 symbols being made available for Lighting 2D) and replace them with the correct and accurate symbols.

I was wondering if you have any idea if/when this is going to take place.

Specifically I am looking for the Robe Manufacturer symbols. Most of the information that you need (I think) is on their website - they have most of the fixtures available as 2D CAD Downloads.

I look forward, I think, to hearing how progress is going.

Kevin Harrison
Kevin Harrison
Symbols Manager (16K reputation)
Group: Moderators
Posts: 103, Visits: 1.7K

Hi Andy,

Thank you for your post.

In fact the future of lighting symbols is almost the complete opposite.  The next symbols update for the Lighting 2D library will see all current lighting symbols replaced.  However, the next generation of Lighting 2D symbols will be based entirely on a comprehensive set of base symbols.  

These new symbols will not be of the highly detailed variety which in previous times prevented us from publishing symbols for which detailed product information could not be sourced or didn’t exist.  Instead they will be based on equipment types which will include spots, moving heads, controllers, truss etc.etc.  Other changes to the Lighting 2D symbols library include the removal of front, side, stencil and top.  Instead all symbols and lighting designs will be created in plan view.

Once the new symbols library is published, we will be able to respond to your symbols requests quickly and efficiently.  You will have the ability to access the latest symbols using online libraries as well as synchronization of your local ‘offline’ libraries which will ensure that you have all the latest symbols and updates stored locally.

At present I can’t give you an exact date as to when the new libraries will be launched, I expect it will be early next year.

I see you have made some symbols requests for products from Robe, thank you!  Please make sure that you continue to keep us informed of your symbols requirements by using the symbols request pages online so that we can be sure to include them. 

As with all Stardraw products we welcome your feedback.  If you have any suggestions or comments you would like to put forward to us then please post them here.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards

Kevin Harrison


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