Update February 25th 2022 19:35

Rob Robinson
Rob Robinson
Forum Administrator (386K reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 2.3K, Visits: 8.9K
Build 25/02/2022 14:38:56

  1. New Rendering options. For all drawings there is a new Document-level Property, found in Properties Grid | Appearance, called Rendering. Rendering is a setting that applies only to the on-screen appearance of drawings and does not impact, for example, print output. The Rendering Property has 2 options:
    1. “Sharp” – best for native Stardraw Design 7.3 drawings e.g. Block Schematics, Pictorial Schematics etc. “Sharp” is the default setting for new drawings created by clicking on a template in the Drawings view. It is also the default for all legacy drawings created before the Rendering property was introduced.
    2. “Smooth” – best for very large drawings featuring curved and other objects which are not principally horizontal or vertical, and patterned areas e.g. Architectural layouts imported from other applications and non-native file formats. “Smooth” is the default setting for drawings created when using File | Import PDF as New Project.
      The “Smooth” setting applies graphics processing techniques including anti-aliasing that make non-vertical/horizontal lines, curves etc appear smoother and less jagged, and enhances visibility of fine-detail objects at distant zooms, hence its applicability to architectural layouts. The “Sharp” setting does not use anti-aliasing or smoothing techniques, except for Text objects, to enhance the clarity of lines and thereby avoids on-screen ‘fuzziness’.
  2. The Properties Grid no longer displays, for Symbols, system Attributes (prefixed with “_”)
  3. Title Blocks: after insertion the Title Block is now selected by default, and the Properties Grid now shows an improved Attributes collection for Title Blocks which
    1. Eliminates redundant document Attributes from the Title Block template
    2. Exposes all Text Attributes from the Title Block template so that values can be set in the Properties Grid without re-inserting the Title Block.
      This has the added benefit that ANY Text Attributes, i.e. text of the format “[Attribute Name]”, found in the Title Block template can be set and updated through the Properties Grid, including arbitrary, user-defined Text Attributes in custom Title Block templates. This means that users can add their own Text Attributes to Title Blocks where previously they were limited to those shown in the Insert Title Block dialog.
  4. Improves performance when Snap to Path is active, when drawing/editing/changing zoom near to Polyline objects with large numbers of line segments.
  5. Overrides filepath length constraints: by default, in Windows, the fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. This update allows for filepaths that are, in effect, able to be any length and it eliminates errors of Exception Class: PathTooLongException.
  6. Eliminates exceptions thrown by the exception handler e.g. Exception Class: ObjectDisposedException
  7. Eliminates exception thrown in the Products view if no search results are found, Class: NullReferenceException

Kind regards,
Rob Robinson

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