Title Block Not Working

Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)
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I'm running the latest build of Stardraw and my title block functionality has stopped working completely.
I‌ go Drawing > Title Block, enter the details on the title block window, hit ok and the drawing extents zooms to fit my drawing to the window but the title block simply isn't there, have tried multiple projects, restarted the app, etc, no fix.
A‌ny suggestions?‌
Rob Robinson
Rob Robinson
Forum Administrator (387K reputation)
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Posts: 2.3K, Visits: 8.9K
Hi Rohan,

W‌hat is the path to the Title Block template ‌file, and do you see a preview of the chosen Title Block in the Title Block dialog?  The path to the default SD7.3 template files should point to:the folder:
‌"C:\Program Files\Stardraw.com Ltd\Stardraw Design 7.3‌

Are you using one of the supplied templates, or have you customized the Title Block template file?  Please can you email your template file to techsupport@stardraw.com and we will be happy to take a look.‌

Kind regards,
Rob Robinson
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Rob Robinson - 9/17/2018 6:21:13 AM
Hi Rohan,

W‌hat is the path to the Title Block template ‌file, and do you see a preview of the chosen Title Block in the Title Block dialog?  The path to the default SD7.3 template files should point to:the folder:
‌"C:\Program Files\Stardraw.com Ltd\Stardraw Design 7.3‌

Are you using one of the supplied templates, or have you customized the Title Block template file?  Please can you email your template file to techsupport@stardraw.com and we will be happy to take a look.‌

Hey Rob,

I am seeing the preview of the template file‌ and it's in the same location I've always stored the files without problem over the past 12 months.

It's not working for certain files (approx 5 separate files) and sporadically working for the standard template files included with Stardraw.

I‌'ll email one of the template files to see if you guys have the same problem.‌

Rob Robinson
Rob Robinson
Forum Administrator (387K reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 2.3K, Visits: 8.9K
Hi Rohan,

T‌hanks for emailing the file.

F‌or those following the thread, the issue was in 2 new user-generated Title Blocks which were missing a layer, "Title Block Drawing Area", and the rectangle it contains; this layer and rectangle allow the Title Block to size itself to fit the drawing into which it is inserted.  ‌‌

T‌he quick fix is to show the layer in a default template and copy the rectangle into your user-generated template; pasting will create the layer from which the rectangle was copied. 

Kind regards,
Rob Robinson

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