Cable Schedules and BOMs

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Hey Guys! I'm new to the forum so please advise and forgive if I've posted this in the wrong place. I've been using Stardraw for nine months or so and I really do enjoy the increased productivity and it's ability to "bridge the gap" where I fall short in the CAD area. I do have a couple questions, though.

First, are there any ideas on how to incorporate Stardraw's actual excel cable schedule or Bill of Materials (BOM) as a legible drawing page (to include the title block)? I've not been able to import the actual excel sheet. I have tried several different ways to add it as a snapshots/snippets with the picture import button located on the toolbar. I have tried all picture file extensions/resolutions and I still have not have not been able to produce a legible export or "PDF print" (Cute PDF Writer) of that page. On a side note, the document is very legible in the Stardraw program itself. Have I reached the limitations of the file convertors?

Second, is there a way to print a blank title block page, with my fields populated, and I may simply set the page margins, in Excel, within the "blank drawing area" of the title block? Similar to an "old school", pre printed, letterhead--I guess.... FYI, I've not been able to add a title block to a blank page as the feature is "grayed-out" until a product is dragged and dropped.

Thank you all for your time and attention!

Rob Robinson
Rob Robinson
Forum Administrator (374K reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 2.3K, Visits: 8.9K
Thanks for your post -yes, this is exactly the right place for such questions.

1. Regarding insertion of Excel data back into a Stardraw Design 7.1 drawing: just copy the area of the spreadsheet that you want and choose Paste in the drawing.  The results should be excellent.

What's happening under the covers here is that Excel copies the formatted cells onto the Windows Clipboard as a Metafile and SD7.1 can then convert this into a high-resolution image in the drawing.  It's not editable as a spreadsheet in SD7.1, but it will look exactly the same as the source data in Excel.

2. You can print a 'blank' title block by putting something into the drawing which is 'invisible', e.g. a white rectangle.  With one or more objects present in a drawing, a Title Block can be inserted.  

However, I suspect this question may be looking for an alternative solution to the first question, so if this is the case you should see that you can copy and paste your Excel data into a blank drawing, then insert the Title Block and all should be well.

I hope this is helpful.

Kind regards,
Rob Robinson
Edited 9 Years Ago by Rob Robinson
Supreme Being (484 reputation)Supreme Being (484 reputation)Supreme Being (484 reputation)Supreme Being (484 reputation)Supreme Being (484 reputation)Supreme Being (484 reputation)Supreme Being (484 reputation)Supreme Being (484 reputation)Supreme Being (484 reputation)
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Posts: 2, Visits: 8
That worked excellent on both fronts! It's always the simplest solutions that escape me. Thank you, Rob and Stardraw Team!


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