Update November 13th 11:08

Rob Robinson
Rob Robinson
Forum Administrator (371K reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 2.3K, Visits: 8.9K
A very significant maintenance update including many fixes and implementation of requests and reports from users in the field.
  • Enhancement to Layers dropdown in Properties Grid to allow movement of the current selection to a hidden layer. Also includes new icons in Layers list to indicate each layer's Visibility and Locked status.
  • Fixes issue where changes in the Unit of Measurement in the Document Properties Grid might not be reflected in all measurement fields in the Properties Grid; now if you select Inches as your unit of measurement all measurement fields correctly show inches (").
  • Establishes correct behavior when re-opening a project that is already open for editing. If a project file is open and then opened again, e.g. by using Shell Open, SD7 does not create a second instance of the project, but returns the user to the currently open project file.
  • Does not return an exception (eNotImplementedYet) when attempting to import unsupported versions of DWG files (i.e. v2013 or later) but instead displays a helpful message box with suggestions for how to modify the file to enable import.
  • Enhanced behavior if a DWG does not contain any data that can be imported, i.e. if Model space in the source DWG is empty. Instead of creating a blank drawing tab a message box is displayed.
  • Fix to the way non-solid line styles are rendered to correctly display other line styles e.g. Dashed, Dash-Dot, etc. in Cable objects.
  • Massive performance improvement when handling lots of objects with dashed line styles, particularly when scaled.
  • Fix to mirroring of Dimension objects; the text in a Dimension is re-mirrored to keep it right-reading. Also, update to behavior of rotated Dimensions so that the text in the Dimension is flipped if it turns upside-down.
  • Fix to Dimension objects so that Line Style is persisted across saves.
  • Change to behavior of Layers dialog to ensure that a Current layer is always specified, and that Layer is Visible.
  • Attributes are now copied along with symbols in all drawing views.
  • Fix to UDP symbols so that non-solid line styles are respected.
  • Cable Schedules now include Cables that are part of a group, or which are connected to Symbols that are part of a group.
  • Fixes "Access to Stardraw Updater.exe is denied" error which might have previously occurred if multiple instances of the Updater were invoked e.g. by cancelling out of Installing Updates to continue working on a project.
  • For the currently selected object, Attribute values displayed in the Properties Grid are updated as soon as Edit | Update Attribute Values is invoked.
  • New Attributes created when Edit | Update Attribute Values is called are immediately assigned columns in the Products View.

Kind regards,
Rob Robinson
Edited 11 Years Ago by Rob Robinson

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