Stardraw Forums

opening DWG

By galaxyguide - 1/10/2012 11:07:37 AM

When opening a file I can choose from all files, .s07 and .s01. "All files", doesn't show me mmy dwg files.

When "saving as", I only have a choice of .s07 and "all files", (not sure how that would work), not .s01 or .dwg.

How does this work?


By tvangrove - 1/10/2012 11:49:39 AM

Since a Stardraw Design 7 file can contain many drawings, you'll should go to: File, import, and you'll be able to bring in a DWG file to SD7.

To save a Stardraw Design 7 drawing as a DWG file, you should go to File, export.
By galaxyguide - 1/10/2012 1:26:13 PM

that sort of worked.

Pulling the dwg into s07, missing: pline, revision cloud, pdf underlay, parts to a block. Apparently anything it doesn't understand, it omits, I guess better than corrupting the drawing. Good things: Can unlock and move text, did insert non standard text, does have layers list retained.

Pulling .s07 into Autocad: It lost all the text and layers, but otherwise looks ok.
By Rob Robinson - 1/10/2012 4:05:55 PM

Hi Linda,

Can you attach the files you import/export to a reply (as a zip file)? We can take a look at both the DWG and S07 to see what can be done about the missing entities. Thanks.