Stardraw Forums

User Defined Products

By John Drake - 7/29/2011 2:11:39 PM

In an attempt to create a Product that does not currently exist in the Product Library - in this case an Electro Voice ZX3, I found that I could not find an appropriate symbol, nor could I modify a symbol to something resembling what I needed.  The ZX4 is very close - but would need to have it's properties modified to become a ZX3 and saved - but I have been unable to do that.  So what I get is shown below.  There is no Symbol of a two way box in the options from which to choose.  See below for differences.

I have not found a way to modify an existing symbol as I used to do a lot of in StarDrawAV2007.  How do we modify an existing symbol in Stardraw7?


By Rob Robinson - 7/29/2011 2:36:24 PM

Hi John,

Currently freeform editing of user defined symbols is not available in the Stardraw Design 7 Beta, but it will be added prior to release - see

We also plan to increase the number and scope of icons available to the Product Wizard.