Stardraw Forums

Crestron DWG

By JackCornish - 6/24/2019 8:37:35 PM

Hi, I am having an issue when importing Crestron product DWG's to the Plan view page.I have tried other manufacturer drawings and these display fine. The Crestron products however do not. Are you able to help? 
By Rob Robinson - 6/24/2019 8:45:49 PM

Hi Jack,

Can you describe the issue and email the DWG to  Then we will be able to reproduce whatever it is that your are experiencing.  Thanks. 
By JackCornish - 6/24/2019 8:57:32 PM

Cheers for the quick reply.

For example the attached shows a Future Automation PS55 which shows correctly. I have imported the Crestron AM300 next to it (red dot to the right).
I have emailed the DWG to support as requested.
By Rob Robinson - 7/2/2019 9:28:54 AM

For those following the thread the main issue with the visibility of this DWG file was that most objects in the original file were white.  One solution, which was appropriate in this case, was to choose the "Black & White" option in the Import DWG dialog.