If using PDF as an intermediary file format be sure to select the appropriate paper size (A0 or A1) when you Print to PDF, both in the SD7 interface and in the Printer Properties dialog; the quality of the PDF is dependent on its page size so if you create an A4 PDF and output it to A0 the results may be sub-optimal.
Alternatively you can have the print shop download the Stardraw Viewer; this will allow them to open, view and print the .S07 file directly. The Viewer can be downloaded at
https://www1.stardraw.com/stardraw/sd7/downloadsThe third option, which is a bit more technical, is to install the driver for the out-of-house printer and then use it to Print to File. The print shop can then simply output the generated print file to the printer by copying it out to the printer port (e.g. LPT1