Stardraw Forums

Revision Clouds

By jessea3 - 4/7/2016 7:42:27 PM

I often find myself marking up drawings to send to architects or EEs.  One of the things they would prefer that I do is enclose any revised areas on markups with a "revision cloud", essentially a series of arcs joined together to make the walls of the box I'm drawing around revisions.  I understand that this is probably somewhat more involved than setting a line to dot-dash or the like, but has there been any thought of this?  It would also be useful on demolition documents.

By Rob Robinson - 4/7/2016 8:05:41 PM

hi Jesse,

Thanks for the feedback - we will consider this as a feature for the future.
By rdenbroe - 5/5/2016 2:06:25 PM

Can I multi-like this idea? I am forever making little clouds of various sizes. I have quite the collection now! 8)

By bduza - 3/17/2017 4:34:35 AM

+1 for this request.
I also use these, for:

outlining areas that need revision
outlining sections of a 'standard' schematic that are options/variations
outlining sections of a schematic that have a more detailed information in another schematic

I don't like using straight/dashed lines for these as that clashes with the rectangles used for grouping equipment by area.‌‌‌‌‌‌‌
By rpeters - 3/18/2019 5:05:53 PM

A revision cloud tool would save me a lot of time as well. Right now I'm hand making clouds out of arcs - it works but I can't help but think a tool would speed up the work flow. +1 for this feature request from me as well!
By Rob Robinson - 3/19/2019 8:10:28 AM

Thanks for the +1 on this feature request; up votes are a great help to us when trying to assign priority to requested features and a Revision Cloud tool is now near the top of the wishlist.
By jeac1066 - 7/30/2019 7:17:30 PM

Might I recommend a line type for the Polygon tool that draws cloud arcs instead of dots or dashes.  They need to be scale-able in size (Line width) so they can be visible on high scale drawings.
Yes please this is extremely important to the contracting world where we have to mark up and return/resubmit design drawings for each revision.