Stardraw Forums

'Grab' tool

By Tonyg - 10/18/2006 4:26:58 PM

A feature I would find very useful would be a Grab tool, similar to Acrobat. This would make it very easy to grab the entire drawing and move it around the screen, and if it could be activated by a keyboard shortcut, so much the better. The new mousewheel X&Y scrolling is very nice, and a grab tool seems to be the logical next step.


By Rob Robinson - 10/19/2006 2:26:22 AM

Hi Tony,

Thanks for your post - yes this is a logical step and the request has been added to our development wishlist.  We'll publish notice of availability of the new feature through our website and newsletter.

By Patrick - pAV - 5/14/2019 3:41:16 PM


It would be very fine to have this function. Its really annoying to use the sliders in an bigger drawing.
Is there a chance that you can implement this funcktion?
Or is there another way to slide thru? (Sorry, i am a beginner).

Kind regards,
By Rob Robinson - 5/14/2019 3:49:38 PM

Hi Patrick,

The middle mouse button (or clicking on the mousewheel) provides Grab functionality.

You can also use the mousewheel in combination with Ctrl or Shift to pan horizontally or vertically, and adding the Alt key delivers 10x the effect.

I hope this is helpful.
By Patrick - pAV - 5/14/2019 3:56:31 PM

Hi Rob,

thanks for the fast answer. These are the things i was searching for!
Thank you!

Best regards,