+xHi Rob,
Are you able to give a list of fields from the database that can be used inside the report?
Best Regards
Hi Maciej,
Sorry for the delay in replying.
Reports can use any Attribute stored in a ProductInstance; simply use the name of the Attribute e.g. "[Cost Price]"
The project-level fields - the ones shown in the Dashboard | Project Details view - accessible to reports are:
Project Information SectionProject Title ProjectTitle
Reference ProjectReference
Address ProjectAddress
Start Date ProjectStartDate
Completion Date ProjectCompletionDate
Client Information Section
Name ClientName
Address ClientAddress
Main Contact Section
Name MainContactName
Phone MainContactPhone
Email MainContactEmail
Billing Contact Section
Name BillingContactName
Phone BillingContactPhone
Email BillingContactEmail
Author Details Section
Name UserDetails.Name
Job Title UserDetails.Title
Company UserDetails.CompanyName
Address UserDetails.Address
Phone UserDetails.Phone
Email UserDetails.Email
Website UserDetails.Website
Notes Section
Notes ProjectNotes
I hope this is helpful.
Kind regards,
Rob Robinson