How to add the external datasource for My library products in Stardraw AV 2007

How to add the external datasource for My library products in Stardraw...
Sujith SS
Sujith SS
Supreme Being (5.6K reputation)Supreme Being (5.6K reputation)Supreme Being (5.6K reputation)Supreme Being (5.6K reputation)Supreme Being (5.6K reputation)Supreme Being (5.6K reputation)Supreme Being (5.6K reputation)Supreme Being (5.6K reputation)Supreme Being (5.6K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 25, Visits: 46
Hi ,

Please advice me how to create a external datasource for my library products which i have created in stardraw AV 2007

The below link says that the external datasource for stardraw products database

For eg: i have created block for XX products from XX brand in my library which was not there in stardraw database.

When i go to Tools > External datasource>> and select the brand , there is no brand which i have created in My Library.

Kind Regards, Smile

Rob Robinson
Rob Robinson
Forum Administrator (388K reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 2.3K, Visits: 8.9K
Hi Sujith,

In AV 2007 the External Datasource works like this:

  1. When you add a symbol into a drawing, AV2007 looks to see if there is any matching data in the spreadsheet "Stardraw AV 2007  System Attributes.xls"
  2. The symbol's Manufacturer attribute is matched to the name of a worksheet
  3. The symbol's Model Number attribute is matched to a cell in column A of that worksheet, to return a Row
  4. Any values from that row in columns C, D, E and onwards are added to the symbol.

So, for user symbols you need to ensure that there is, or create, a worksheet (tab) that exactly matches the Manufacturer, and a cell in column A that exactly matches the Model Number, for each user symbol.

Kind regards,
Rob Robinson


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