Hand/Pan Tool

Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)
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Posts: 5, Visits: 11
For anyone familiar with Photoshop or almost any other design program, there is a Hand tool that allows you to pan around the document. Is there any equivalent to this in StarDraw? Also, for the select tool, is there a keyboard shortcut to select it? 

These little things would make my work flow MUCH faster as I am so used to using keyboard shortcuts for everything. 
Rob Robinson
Rob Robinson
Forum Administrator (386K reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 2.3K, Visits: 8.9K
Hi Reuben,
To drag/pan use the middle mouse button.
To return to the Selection cursor use Escape.
Keyboard shortcuts are available for all menu commands - see Help | Shortcuts

Kind regards,
Rob Robinson
Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)Forum Guru (52 reputation)
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Rob Robinson - 7/28/2021 5:45:23 AM
Hi Reuben,
To drag/pan use the middle mouse button.
To return to the Selection cursor use Escape.
Keyboard shortcuts are available for all menu commands - see Help | Shortcuts

OK great, thank you! Those two shortcuts weren't on that page so that is helpful to know. Can it be a feature request to be able to customize shortcut keys? 
Rob Robinson
Rob Robinson
Forum Administrator (386K reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 2.3K, Visits: 8.9K
Hi Reuben,

In the keyboard shortcuts page we use "Esc" for Escape under Drawing | Selection Cursor.

Mousewheel behaviors, because they're not Keyboard Shortcuts, are covered at Mouse Controls (see the Index)

Noted re: customizable shortcuts: already on the wishlist, but by no means a small task.

Kind regards,
Rob Robinson

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