Hi guys
This is my first time using this forum so I hope I have posted my question to the right area.
If any upgrades are planned in the near future I would like to see the search window have the following functionality added if at all possible.
1 - The ability to resize the window
2 - The ability to carry on drawing with the search window open
I look forward to your replies
Hi Leon,
Technically this isn't a problem - we can easily make the window Modeless (i.e. you can do other things while it's being displayed) and re-sizeable. Would you find it advantageous to be able to drag a symbol directly from the search result window into the document?
Modeless/resizeable has been added to the development list and will be available as an update shortly. Let me know what you think about dragging directly from the window.
Kind regards
Hi Rob
Thanks for adding modeless/resizeable to the dev list, this will allow me to keep the search window open with my last search criteria selected i.e Environment/Rack Layout and also allow quick access to the window.
I think being able to drag a symbol from the search window is an excellent idea. The way I work it would save me allot of time.
Any movement on this enhancement?
Also, if the filters could remain (until the search window is closed) it would be quicker to build up a system by manufacturer for example, if you already know the model numbers, rather than repeating the full search process.