Stardraw Forums

Auto Save - is there a way to recuperate an auto saved file after saying "no" to the initial question?

By pftsol - 8/25/2011 10:32:17 AM


StarDraw AV 2007 crashed for some reason and I was sure that I had performed a manual SAVE just seconds before so when the program restarted and asked me to supply me with an auto-saved version I said no. Oops. When I did open my original file I realized I was back a couple of hours of work...

Is that auto-save file somewhere on my computer where I can recuperate it?

Thanks in advance


By Rob Robinson - 8/25/2011 2:43:09 PM

Hi Pasquale,

I believe the autosave file will have been deleted when you selected 'No'.  This would be by design so that your disk doesn't get full of redundant, unused autosave files.

You can look, though, as the autosave file will have a .s99 extension and, if it exists, it will be found under Program Files in the Stardraw AV installation folder, or in the folder that you last saved the .s01 file into.

If you find it, just change the extension to .s01 and open as normal.

Good luck.