Stardraw Forums

Editing Symbols

By John Drake - 8/5/2011 4:37:13 PM

In StardrawAV 2007, there are many symbols that are incorrect.  I find that we are constantly editing them - i.e. adding an RS232 control port imput.

When we edit these symbols I find that cables will not link to the added input/output and unless you group the edited symbol, the added feature does not move with it when you adjust the drawing.

There has been discussion of making symbols editable in Stardraw7.  Can we ensure that once edited, the cable will link and that the edited (added) feature will become part of the edited symbol?


By Rob Robinson - 8/8/2011 6:38:16 AM

Hi John,

To edit a symbol, drag it into the Library List under My Libraries and edit it there by doubleclicking.

Connection points are created when you drag the edited symbol into a document - this does not happen if you edit a symbol in-place in the document, so always edit symbols through the Library List under My Libraries.