Stardraw Forums

I am trying to download DXF files from the JBL website so 2D drawings can be added to a DWG drawing.

By jon - 5/20/2010 2:45:44 PM

Please help me understand how to properly download and use a 2D .efw file from JBL which is labeled dxf but unzips to DWG and which opens as a DWG empty white screen in Stardraw.


By Rob Robinson - 5/20/2010 4:10:25 PM

Hi Jon,

Stardraw supports 2D DWG files up to v2005.  If the file is in fact 3D or in a later format, Stardraw will not be able to open it.

Feel free to post the file to this forum and we will be happy to take a look at it.