Stardraw Forums

Missing Symbols

By Greg - 2/26/2009 8:45:09 AM


Just to let you know that in the symbols list for CUE there is a discrepancy.

I see ipCUE Alpha listed but it's not in my library (blocks).

Not sure how many others if any are not there but its a real bugger because it's needed for this design I'm working on.


By Rob Robinson - 2/26/2009 9:11:04 AM

If you cannot find a product, rightclick in the Library List and select Search, then type in part of the string to look for, e.g. ipcue.  Doubleclick on the result that most closely matches your requirement and Stardraw will take you to the symbol which you can then drag into your document.

I hope this is helpful.

By Kevin Harrison - 2/26/2009 9:44:56 AM

Hi Greg,

Thank you for reporting this. We have now fixed the problem, you will now be able to access the missing Rack, Pictorial and Block symbols from CUE > Controllers: in the libraries.

I recommend that you synchronize your offline libraries by selecting 'Synchronize Offline Libraries' from the Options menu, this will download these and all other recent symbols updates.

I hope this helps.


Kevin Harrison

By Greg - 2/26/2009 4:51:29 PM

Thanks lads!Smile