Stardraw Forums

Synchronizing Offline Library throught Proxy Connection

By chengchiufai - 2/5/2009 4:36:49 AM


I'm using Stardraw A/V Lite 2007. Recently I found that the new installed software in the office computer cannot synchronize the library with the Stardraw site because of the proxy issue. Any suggestions to resolve this? Thanks.


Steven Cheng

By David Snipp - 2/9/2009 12:12:44 PM

We have a fix for this:


Can you download and unzip:


Please overwrite your “Synchronize Manufacturers.exe” that is in the same directory that you have installed Stardraw AV 2007.


You can then just run this executable from that directory and you will see a new link in the form called “Proxy Settings”. Please try configuring this to be the same as your existing settings. You should then be able to logon and synchronize your manufacturers.


Please let me know if you have any problems, or indeed, if this works for you. If it does, we will publish this so that everyone will automatically receive this fix.

By Virbu - 3/9/2009 9:51:41 AM


I tried to use your the new synchronize manufacturers.exe.

I configured the proxy settings: Use proxy URL: ProxyadressTongueort and entered username and password.

Then I enter EMailadress and password and try to logon.

I get an unhandled exception error and the login box stays grayed and stops working.

Here is a part of the details (if it helps)


System.ArgumentException: It exists no value with this name (my translated errormessage!)
   bei System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   bei Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.DeleteValue(String name, Boolean throwOnMissingValue)
   bei Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.DeleteValue(String name)
   bei Synchronize_Manufacturers.Form1.client_MaxNumberManufacturersCompleted(Object sender, MaxNumberManufacturersCompletedEventArgs e)
   bei Synchronize_Manufacturers.ServiceReference1.CustomerService.OnMaxNumberManufacturersOperationCompleted(Object arg)


Best Regard


By David Snipp - 3/9/2009 10:02:07 AM

Try clicking on the "Remember Me" checkbox when you log on.