Hi,I tried to use your the new synchronize manufacturers.exe.
I configured the proxy settings: Use proxy URL: Proxyadressort and entered username and password.
Then I enter EMailadress and password and try to logon.
I get an unhandled exception error and the login box stays grayed and stops working.
Here is a part of the details (if it helps)
System.ArgumentException: It exists no value with this name (my translated errormessage!)
bei System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
bei Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.DeleteValue(String name, Boolean throwOnMissingValue)
bei Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.DeleteValue(String name)
bei Synchronize_Manufacturers.Form1.client_MaxNumberManufacturersCompleted(Object sender, MaxNumberManufacturersCompletedEventArgs e)
bei Synchronize_Manufacturers.ServiceReference1.CustomerService.OnMaxNumberManufacturersOperationCompleted(Object arg)
Best Regard