Stardraw Forums

Dogleg has quit working

By Tom - 7/29/2008 3:57:10 PM

My dogleg function has quit working.  I don't know if I've accidently turned it off or what. 

The button seem active when I select it, but it won't draw.

Any suggestions?

By Rob Robinson - 7/29/2008 4:16:39 PM

Hi Tom,

Is Orthogonal Lock (in the Snap toolbar) active?  Orthogonal Lock allows extension in only one axis so when it's on you can't draw Doglegs or other objects that require extension in both axes at once, e.g Rectangle and Circle/Arc.

If these three tools appear greyed out, then Orthogonal Lock is on.  Uncheck it and they'll become active again.

I hope this is helpful.

By Tom - 7/30/2008 8:15:19 AM

Problem solved. Thanks.