Stardraw Forums

Title Block

By Christian Hugener - 7/26/2007 7:10:41 PM

I am unable to edit and display the common attributes on any title blocks. I see the edited attribute changed, i.e. edited by, date etc; but they do not display on the drawing.

When I downloaded the title blocks they went into a directory called Stardraw A/V but the default installation directory is Stardraw A/V 2007. I moved them into the My Symbols director, they show up in the My Libariaies section, I can use them in drawings, can edit the attributes ... they simply don't change in the drawing.

Thanks Much


By Rob Robinson - 7/27/2007 3:13:59 AM

Hi Christian,

Can you try using the Title Blocks attached?  Please let me know if this resolves the problem.

By Christian Hugener - 7/27/2007 8:18:16 AM

That resoved the problem,

