Stardraw Forums

Modifier problems

By Richard Herman - 6/29/2007 10:50:00 AM


I'm using the demo version of Stardraw A/V 2007 for evaluation. I'm currently following the tutorials in the help. In lesson 2 'basic drawing and modifiers' i'm stuck. The 'snap to object modifier' doesn't seem to work, or i am doing something wrong. When i try to snap the rotated line to an endpoint of another line it never works. The text says 'if you pick up a line close to one end you can move it exactly to the endpoint or midpoint of another line'. If i try that (with the 'snap to object' modifier ON) it always attaches itself at the point where i pick it up with the mouse, never at the end of the line. you can see that there is a 'snap' action, because the line gets 'pulled' to the other line, only never at its endpoint. It does seem to snap at the center, but never at the endpoint. horizontal or vertical lines i cannot pickup at the ends, the cursor always attaches itself to the middle of the line.

Im probably doing something wrong, but got no idea what it is. I've read the other posts on snapping problems and checked the grid settings en nudge setting. they seem ok.

I'm used to working with Autosketch, so i'm familiar with 'snapping'


By Rob Robinson - 6/29/2007 12:03:12 PM

Hi Richard,

Rather than picking the line up by clicking on the line itself, start away from the line (along its vector) and move back towards an endpoint, then cick on the endpoint to pick it up as soon as you see the 4 way arrow on the cursor.  This ensures that you have grabbed an endpoint and that the endpoint will snap to the endpoint, or midpoint, of the other line.

Note that you should not have the line selected (i.e with handles showing)when you try to pick it up, or you will stretch the line.

I hope this is helpful.

By Richard Herman - 7/2/2007 8:23:41 AM

Hello Rob,

Thanks for the reply. Although working this way is a bit strange for me (NOT selecting the line while selecting an endpoint) it works. so problem solved.

just out of curiousity: is there a reason why not all snap modes can be active at the same time? most CAD programs allow this, and it can save a lot of time. While working you can activate (and deactivate) the snaps with the keyboard shortcuts, just in case it keeps snapping at a point where you don't want it.
By Rob Robinson - 7/2/2007 8:39:21 AM

Hi Richard,

Use of only modifier at a time is by design, but you can use function keys to change the active modifier, or disable the currently active modifier, in the middle of a drawing command thus:

F5 - Snap to Grid
F6 - Snap to Intersection
F7 - Snap to Object
F8 - Snap to Rotation
F9 - Orthogonal Lock