Stardraw Forums

Library Problem

By kad24 - 4/20/2007 9:40:55 AM


I just dowloaded stardraw AV 2007, however, when I tryied to open the online or the offline libraries I couldn't.  trayed to refresh the libraires from Options but nothing hapened.

Any idea !!!!!? help is very muuuchhh appreciated

By Rob Robinson - 4/20/2007 10:21:54 AM

When you donwloaded Stardraw AV 2007, did you Synchronize Manufacturers?  This is the process by which the Offline Libraries are built. 

You can do this now by going to - when the LiveUpdate is complete click on the link to Synchronize Manufacturers

Online Libraries are available only if you have an active internet connection and Options | Use Online Libraries is checked.

I hope this is helpful - please post again if you continue to experience problems.