Stardraw Forums

labeling tools

By cpardy - 8/31/2022 4:06:24 AM

What are the chances of you integrating a tool that creates sequential labels (like the cable label tool) but for panels and racks ?
By Rob Robinson - 8/31/2022 6:05:22 AM

Yes, we plan to introduce a tool, in a future update, that will allow point-and-click assignment of values to any Attribute, with an option for sequential numbering.

With regard to Rack and Panel Layouts, what specifically are the problems you're trying to solve, so that we can understand your particular requirements and/or suggest current solutions?  e.g. if you want to indicate Rack U positions, today you can use the Rack Rule symbol, found in the Product Browser under Generic | Racks & Enclosures | 19" Racks | 1-45 Rack Rule.