Stardraw Forums

Title Block - layer deactivated and not scaled correct when inserted

By Felix Vollmer - 3/1/2022 10:57:11 AM

I have the problem that our title block behaves strange. When inserted, it doesn't show up, because the title block layer is deactivated (why ever). Additionally the title block does not scale properly to my drawing. 
We had the case that two persons are working on the same file. Not parallel, of course.
What can be the reason for this?

First image: Title Block already inserted
Second image: Layer deactivated
Third image: Title Block not scaled correctly

By Rob Robinson - 3/1/2022 1:52:28 PM

Hi Felix,

Thanks for sending the Title Block template file by email.  The problem is that one of the templates does not contain the required rectangle on the layer "Title Block Drawing Area".

When you have added the required rectangle, which is used to scale the title block to fit the drawing, then everything will be fine.