Stardraw Forums

Cable Schedule consistency

By Hughes - 1/20/2022 3:03:33 PM

Hi Rob,

I would like to understand the behavior when the Cable Schedule is generated during theses situations:

1) When a cable has only one connection (start or End): the values of the fields where there is no connection are filled with the information of the connected side.

2) When a cable has no one connection: the values of the cable labels and attributes are shifted one field to the right.

3) When two cables are combined with a feather. I understand that those two segments have to be seen as one cable in the cable schedule, but how to properly fill the labels and attributes of those two cables? It is considered that the start segment is the whole virtual cable. I'm confused with this. That means that the end connector of the virtual cable is actually the one linked to the (start) feather and not the one connected at the end of the second cable. Same with End Label.
So the Cable Schedule could use the end label and connector attributes of the second segment.
But how to manage the middle label and the others attributes ? A good practice should be to duplicate all labels and attributes of the first segment to the properties of the second segment. But as the properties of the second segment are still editable that could lead to divergences between drawing and the cable schedule. Plus all further modifications of the labels and attributes of the first segment have to be duplicated.
So is there a way to lock the modification of the labels and all attributes for a specific cable ? Or what do you suggest to manage that situation.

Thank you,
By Rob Robinson - 1/21/2022 6:27:30 PM

Hi Hughes,

Thanks for alerting us to this.  We have reproduced issues (1) and (2) and hope to publish a fix soon.

Your comments in (3) are well taken and we will look at further improvements in this area in a future version; this will require some significant low-level or architectural changes so it's not an easy task.  One question; do you ever see a scenario where paired Feathers take the same direction, i.e. From to From, or To to To?  Or is it safe to assume that the Feathers in a pair always have opposite directions?