Stardraw Forums

Cable Data Handeling

By michiggs - 6/19/2021 3:17:31 PM

HI There.

Having had a look through the forums and been unable to find anything relating to cables that is less than a few years old I thought I would re visit some of the questions.

Working mainly in the live events and theatre industries most of my systems are tempory and involve the requirement of custom loomes to be made up.

In some past forum posts people have asked if cables can be treated as products. This feature would be handy as currently I can't seem to find a way of getting the cable attrubuts into the reporting module.

What I would like to be able to do is design a report (I currently have several custom reports that can be sent to a hire shop for things like pick lists and who is supplying what) where I can list all the looms and cables by discreption along with connectors, cable type and so on.

I may be missing something here, in which case im happy to be instructed.

Many Thanks
By Rob Robinson - 6/19/2021 3:50:36 PM

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your post.  It's true that cables are not currently treated as Products so they do not appear in the Reporting utility.  This is something we plan to change in a future version.

However, you can use File | Export | Cable Schedule to generate a spreadsheet that contains not only the Attributes of all of the Cables in your project, but also those of the Products those Cables connect, and the Ports in those Products to which each Cable end attaches.  From this it should be a simple matter to extract and format the specific data that you want to convey (you could even use a pre-formatted spreadsheet to extract the data you want, or use macros to do the job, in Excel).

I'm interested to hear of the custom reports that you use.  Would you be willing to email some examples, in confidence of course, to