Stardraw Forums

Sort Layers by Name?

By pixelartworks - 4/20/2020 9:55:27 AM

Hi there, wondering if there will be an implementation of layer sorting? Seems like the column header behaves like a button to toggle Sort A-Z Descending/Ascending but nothing seems to happen.
Also would be really good to have a keyboard shortcut to bring up the layer window or have it permanently docked/floating. Working on a high-res screen especially 21:9 superwide screen or 4K would really really benefit.

By Rob Robinson - 4/20/2020 4:07:47 PM

Hi Haz,

Thanks for your post.  We're currently looking at a solution for Ordering the Layers list alphabetically and a Shortcut for displaying the Layers menu.

Making the Layers dialog modeless (floating/dockable) is a significant reworking and can only be scheduled in the medium term i.e. as part of a future version.

We'll let you know as soon as there's any news on these items.