Stardraw Forums

Cable presets

By Robert Nilsson - 2/7/2020 8:30:54 AM

Is there a simple way to "paste" the cable presets into a drawing?
I think of having the colors and description in a rectangle near the "drawing head" that shows this
On big drawings might this be helpful to identify what kind of cable that are running between units.

By Rob Robinson - 2/7/2020 6:20:39 PM

Hi Robert,

There isn't a simple ('automatic') way to do this; it would have to be done manually.  You can either just add example cables and notes to the Title Block after insertion, or you could create a custom symbol to be your cable 'legend' and insert this after the Title Block has gone in.

I hope this makes sense and also hope that we'll see you at ISE next week!
By Robert Nilsson - 2/12/2020 9:07:34 AM

Robert Nilsson - 2/7/2020 8:30:54 AM
Is there a simple way to "paste" the cable presets into a drawing?
I think of having the colors and description in a rectangle near the "drawing head" that shows this
On big drawings might this be helpful to identify what kind of cable that are running between units.


Hi Rob!
Many thanks for your post, Right now is I creating the dogleg and color it and then write the explanations besides. It works and can be copied to my drawings in other projects as well but if i start a new project  need to figure what project i had this done so i can copy it... So just therefor would it have been nice to just Simply "paste it"
I can't manage the ISE this year, is to busy with work and i don't have 3 days over for this good event. It's a pretty.
Would have been nice to meet you there.

By Rob Robinson - 2/12/2020 10:08:48 AM

Hi Robert,

It's a pity that we won't see you at ISE this year.

For your Cable Key you could save what you need as a custom symbol and then just drag it into any drawing from the Symbol Browser.  See the movie "Customizing the Symbol Browser", #23 at

I hope this is helpful.