Stardraw Forums

Stardraw Functionality Requests

By Xtreme4life - 9/14/2018 1:40:59 PM

I have a few requests that I think would really help Stardraw.  Also some of these items would help make things more quick and efficient and less dependent on other programs.

1.   When importing a CAD Drawing, instead of having just a Black and White Button can we choose a color?  I often have the need for a lighter gray so my overlays are more pronounced.
2.   Cloud Line Tool for drawing clouds around changed/updated items.  As of now I use Adobe and this is an issue cause if I have to make any changes to the drawing, I would have to redraw all my clouds.
3.   Keyboard Short Cuts.  Would live a short cut to switch between Lock and Select, Align to Grid Top/Middle Bottom, Scale, ETC
4.   Title Blocks Automation, it would be great to fully update existing title blocks by a centralized point.  I have a drawing right now with 32 Drawings and I had to manually go to each one and update the REV and Date.  By deleting the existing title block and adding a new one can update the date and rev but then I would lose my floor, room name, drawing type, room numbers, and drawing number…. 
5.   Better control of the Dimension Tool.  By default those arrow heads are too small and I cannot make them bigger without making the line weight thicker.  Also the end lines are too small.  If I wanted to make them wider I have to manually do so and would have to copy paste that item for the rest of the drawing instead of using the Drawing Tool.   Also would like the numerical measurement when a vertical line is drawn to NOT go through the line, it’s a real chore to make the value follow the line.  I wouldn’t mind if there was a blank space in the line where the value would be present….  Also what about having a choice between decimal and fractions?
6.   When drawing a box or a line and changing from a solid line to a dash doesn’t work that well.  The dashed lines when printed look solid as the spacing of the dashes are too close (even in the program you need to zoom in to really see them).  Not sure if this a scale issue or not but I’m not aware on how to fix this and get the same result every time.  Maybe having control of the spacing of the dash would do the trick.
By Rob Robinson - 9/17/2018 6:00:23 PM

Thanks for your requests.

1‌. Noted.  Today you can change the color of a multiple selection after import.  This functionality is currently limited to selections of 1,000 objects or fewer for reasons of performance.  An update in the near future will improve the behavior and also increase the limit on the number of selected objects.
2‌, 3 & 4 are already on the development wishlist.  Note that you can return to the Selection cursor at any time using the Escape key on your keyboard.
5 & 6 Noted.  Rendering of arrowheads and dashed linestyles is currently provided via the Windows API directly so to bring control over such styling internally would require a significant re-write. We understand your aspirations for these items but want you to be aware that it's a big and very significant change, with many ramifications, to something that has been the way it is since day one, so we can't project when or at this stage whether such changes could be made.  

By Xtreme4life - 9/19/2018 6:06:15 PM

Rob Robinson - 9/17/2018 6:00:23 PM
Thanks for your requests.

1‌. Noted.  Today you can change the color of a multiple selection after import.  This functionality is currently limited to selections of 1,000 objects or fewer for reasons of performance.  An update in the near future will improve the behavior and also increase the limit on the number of selected objects.
2‌, 3 & 4 are already on the development wishlist.  Note that you can return to the Selection cursor at any time using the Escape key on your keyboard.
5 & 6 Noted.  Rendering of arrowheads and dashed linestyles is currently provided via the Windows API directly so to bring control over such styling internally would require a significant re-write. We understand your aspirations for these items but want you to be aware that it's a big and very significant change, with many ramifications, to something that has been the way it is since day one, so we can't project when or at this stage whether such changes could be made.  

1. Ok, as long I can change it somewhere.  But during the import seems the easiest as the B/W feature works great
2, 3, and 4‌ Great, the Title Block and Clouds are most important.  Yes pressing ESC brings you back to selections (most of the time) but would like to have many more to cut down on right hand mouse clicks and such...
5 &  6‌ Ok, I get it that its been that way since day one but that's no reason not to ever update it.  My Abode Pro has a better line tool / measuring tool then Stardraw and this is suppose to be Drafting Software.  Im trying to avoid going to Autocad especially for the architectural aspects of the drawing set (Elevations, Floor Plan Call-Outs, ETC)

Also wrote in another thread, having the layers window available while you work would be a huge help when working with drawings with lots of layers.  Please add that to my list. 
By Rob Robinson - 9/20/2018 11:31:45 AM

We're pleased to announce that an update published today improves the behavior mentioned in (1) so multiple selections made with the Unlock Cursor support up to 5,000 objects and allow styling changes - Line Color, Font Color etc - to be applied to all members of the selection.

W‌hen you next run SD7.3, click to Accept Updates.

F‌ull details of the update can be seen at‌‌

By Xtreme4life - 9/27/2018 2:49:39 PM

Rob Robinson - 9/20/2018 11:31:45 AM
We're pleased to announce that an update published today improves the behavior mentioned in (1) so multiple selections made with the Unlock Cursor support up to 5,000 objects and allow styling changes - Line Color, Font Color etc - to be applied to all members of the selection.

W‌hen you next run SD7.3, click to Accept Updates.

F‌ull details of the update can be seen at‌‌

This update has screwed up some thing's, I sent an email into Tim
By Rob Robinson - 9/28/2018 12:21:51 PM

The problem was that Zoom to Document made allowance for objects on a hidden layer called "_Clipping" (this layer is created for certain imported PDF drawings that employ a technique called 'clipping' to determine what parts of a drawing should be visible in the PDF).

W‌e have published an update that disregards objects on hidden layers when calculating Zoom to Document and print extents.  Please Accept Updates the next time you run SD7.3 ‌and all will be well.