Stardraw Forums

Creating PDF Files

By Rob Robinson - 1/24/2017 6:17:13 PM

Stardraw Design 7.2 generates PDF files by printing to a PDFWriter; i.e. you use File | Print but the output goes to a PDF file rather than to paper, by choosing a 'printer' that generates PDFs.  Many options for this are available:

In Windows 10 there is a printer called "Microsoft Print to PDF"; simply choose this as your Printer in Stardraw Design 7 to generate PDF files.

For other versions of Windows, or as an alternative to Microsoft Print to PDF, there are many third-party PDFWriters; simply search online and pick one that meets your needs.  Some are free, some aren't, and all have different features and capabilities so it is difficult to make a recommendation.

Having said that, our experience with CutePDF shows it to be reliable and rich in features including, for example, the ability to define the quality (resolution) at which images (bitmaps) are rendered, and it is free.