Stardraw Forums

Print resizing

By mjarvis - 10/25/2006 9:36:03 AM

When I crete a document in 11x17 and I need to print it in 8.5x11 the right side of the image is pushed in and the document does not resize properly. I get this same problem anytime I try to print on a setting that differs from the original document size. I am using the standard title page so I don;t think the problem is with the set-up. There should be a way to print the document in a size other then the original and have everything scaled correctly.
By Rob Robinson - 10/25/2006 10:04:07 AM

Hi Mark,

When printing under the default setting of 'Fit to Page' the document scales to fit within the printable area of the page.  his varies from printer to printer, but any apparent offset can be resolved by defining print margins.  Select File | Page Setup  and enter appropriate margins for the Top and Left - I find that a margin of around three quarters of an inch works well on 11x17, and about half an inch on 8.5x11.

I hope this is helpful


By mjarvis - 10/26/2006 10:51:47 AM


I am using the "fit to print" setting but I still get the gap on the left side of the paper. I tried changing the top and left print margins as suggested and all that did was move the top oand left in and down and it still left the right side of the imade indented. The right margin is set to 0.00".

Any other suggestions?

By David Snipp - 10/26/2006 11:04:19 AM

I would suggest checking your Printer Driver.

Please use the Printer Driver that comes with Windows - or at least a compatible one - or go to the Printer Manufacturers website to download the latest version.

Printer Drivers can sometimes have a bug that gives an unusual value for their printable paper areas.

If this doesn't fix it, can you confirm that the Print Preview shows exactly the same problem when printed?

What Printer Make & Model do you have? and where did you get the driver?

By mjarvis - 10/27/2006 11:09:40 AM


I just loaded the newest driver form the manufacturers web site and the result is the same. The print preview window looks just like what is being printed. The printer I am using is an HP Deskjet 9800.

Thanks for helping me work through this.

By David Snipp - 10/28/2006 3:52:33 PM

Looking back at your original post, "the right side of the image is pushed in and the document does not resize properly". You also state that the right margin is 0.00".

There are very few printers that can print right to the edge of the paper as there is usually a non-printable area limited to how the printer physically grabs hold of the piece of paper as it passes through. Can you try increasing this margin?