Stardraw Forums

Install .net Framework

By christian weyel - 8/4/2006 12:50:13 PM

Hi, i´am sorry to ask so small things but i don´t know what i can do. Every time i try to install .net Framwork on the computer of my customer, after 50% of Installation it says "Please insert CD .net Framework ...", but i have no CD. Does somebody can give me some ideas what i can do. (MS XP Home Version)

Thanks and kind regards


By David Snipp - 8/4/2006 1:52:19 PM

How are you installing .net ?

Where did you get it from ?

You can install .net from the website. You should make sure that you install any service packs from here as well.

Alternatively, you can download .net 1.1 from:

Again, you should make sure you visit the windowsupdate site to get any service packs or security updates for this after you have installed it.

By christian weyel - 8/6/2006 1:46:25 PM


i get it from stardraw-website. But i really don´t know why this happens. I will install now all the updates and security-packs and see how this works. Thanks at all.
