Stardraw Forums

save Stardraw AV projects in .pdf format?

By Michael - 5/29/2006 8:47:09 AM


while creating a new project I was wondering if it is or would become soon possible to save the project also in .pdf format to exchange with customer.

Would be very nice to get any positive feedback.

With kind regards, Michael

By David Snipp - 5/29/2006 9:43:42 AM


Here are 2 solutions for you.

Firstly, if you just want to provide your customer with an electronic copy of your design, you can give them a copy of our free Stardraw Viewer. This will open up any Stardraw drawing, allow you to zoom into any part and print it out on any printer. You can download and freely redistribute the Stardraw Viewer here:

Alternatively, if you really needed to generate a PDF, then you can purchase the full Adobe Acrobat Package from This will install a PDF Printer on your system and you can generate a PDF from any Windows application that can print, including Stardraw.

By Michael - 5/29/2006 9:53:10 AM

Hello David,

thanks for your information.
The things is that too often customers are quite sceptic and normally not happy if they need to install any program on their own pc, as you understand.

With kind regards
