By A.B.SD7cad - 3/6/2014 7:51:28 PM
Is it possible to select and print a section of a larger drawing?
I can fudge it by copying and pasting to a new project then printing from there but the temptation to change something at this stage then loose it is high.
I saw a post from March 2012 about this but no resolution.
Thanks AB
By Rob Robinson - 3/6/2014 9:53:26 PM
Hi AB,
Thanks for your post. Yes, this is something high on the wishlist and referred to as "Print Area". Although we never predict release dates for new features, we hope to make an important announcement concerning this fairly soon.
By A.B.SD7cad - 3/7/2014 5:27:43 PM
Thanks for the prompt reply.
I thought you would be working on it.
Cheers, AB