Stardraw Forums

Importing Excel table into stardraw

By chrisccs - 1/31/2014 11:43:53 AM

Hi Rob,

Today I have been trying to copy and paste an Excel table containing all the IP adresses of an installed system into a drawing that was done using the pictorial environment.
The text is pasting but I'm loosing all the lines surrounding the cells (Sorry can't find the right name in english) as well as the width of the columns.

I understand I could import it as an image, but I would like to be able to edit that table within Stardraw.


Thank you


PS: I'll be there to bother you (and have a fag) @ ISE
By Rob Robinson - 1/31/2014 3:18:50 PM

Hi Chris,

Unfortunately what you ask for is not possible: to import a spreadsheet and allow editing and support of all Excel's features (e.g. the formatting of borders) is not something that is currently supported. As you say, you could do it as an image, but not as an editable, 'vector' object.

Having said that, I do look forward to seeing you in Amsterdam at ISE and I hope to be able to show you some of the new things we're working on.