Stardraw Forums

Editing Symbol and Connect Point loose, SD7

By JeanMichelRendu - 11/12/2012 11:20:46 AM


I try to edit a symbol in "User Defined Products", but at each time that change the orientation of "blue line", I loose the connect point in the Blocl Schematic.
How do to have a vertical "blue line" ? how do to create a "blue line" ?

Best Regards,

By Rob Robinson - 11/12/2012 12:46:33 PM

Hi Jean-Michel,

Thanks for your post - Stardraw Design 7's data specification calls for input/output stubs to be horizontal.

Connection points are created dynamically where a horizontal cyan line meets the red outline of the symbol. Vertical IOs cannot be used to create connection points.

I understand that this may not be the answer that you were hoping for, but the behavior you've described is 'by design' - SD7 is not intended to support vertical inputs or outputs.