Hi Rob,
here is another one related to connector snaps:
If I have connected a dogleg or a cable successfully to a symbol connector and then I copy it by using the rectangular array function the copied cables or doglegs will not connect to the symbol. So if I move the symbol the first cable drawn manually will stay connected but not the copied ones.
This happens for any copied cable or symbol so it seems as if connections are only foregoing for manually drawn cables or doglegs. It is the same the other way around, if a symbol is inserted or copied to already existing cable ends they will not connect, right? Or is there a way to make this work? If yes, please pass, I'd really need it.
As a mixing console manufacturer our block symbols can have several hundred connections. Drawing these connections manually is not a desired way of working.
If a symbol including a successfully connected cable is copied the connection will remain in the copy, thats fine.
Additionally to my yesterday suggests I would like to add that also interconnections between cables and doglegs should be treated as valid connections. So I could use e.g. 2 doglegs with their ends connected to each other and they will behave as connected to each other.
henning / yamaha